Department of Culture Contents
Hosting various national talent-recruiting and training projects such as the cultural content education specialization support project, BK21 plus, and CK, the department has grown into a hotbed for education on cultural content.
The Department of Culture Contents, the only department of its kind in Korea with a full lineup of undergraduate, master's, and doctoral degrees, continues to work with the cultural content industry through the IC-PBL initiative and offers field training that address pressing industrial and social issues at hand.
The department’s goal is to produce experts in convergence-type cultural content equipped with the skillset to induce a paradigm shift in the Industry 4.0 era.
It focuses on nurturing innovative individuals needed in the content industry using a problem-solving curriculum developed in collaboration with industry stakeholders. Students learn insights from faculty members who themselves are experts in cultural content planning, storytelling, business, marketing, and global content business.
The department also functions as a hub for industry-academia cooperation over cultural content. It creates a virtuous cycle of education and industry-industrial collaboration via the IC-PBL M-type initiative, which addresses and evaluates problems that currently plague the content industry.
Imagining, creating, and sharing content, which is at the core of the cultural content industry, are major points of emphasis in the department’s convergence curriculum and its learning activities.
Using its programs, the department has established itself as the best educational apparatus that trains experts in blending and handling cultural content, such as cultural content planners, business and marketing experts, and project managers.